SeCURE: Food Security as Solution to the World’s Hunger Crisis
SeCURE: Food Security as Solution to the World’s Hunger Crisis
1 At the time all people have access to safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and preferences, the world can have an active and healthy life. This has been the definition of the World Food Summit about food security dating back to 1996.
2 Now more than ever, countries around the world are facing challenges and crises regarding the security of resources, specifically food, to be available for their communities and their families.
Already a Global Crisis
3 “The increase in global hunger in 2021 reflects exacerbated inequalities across and within countries due to an unequal pattern of economic recovery among countries and unrecovered income losses among those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said in an article.
4 In line with this, they also noted that there were a total of 828 million people who had “empty plates” last 2021, where Africa experienced moderate to severe hunger the most.
Filipinos Still Can’t Escape Hunger
5 With the prevalence of hunger all around the globe, the Philippines, with its high prominence of poverty, is particularly not an exemption from this matter. In fact, according to FAO, there were 5.3 million Filipinos severely denied the security of food, and 48 million encountered moderate to severe food insecurity from 2019-2021.
6 In addition, moderate food insecurity anchors individuals who have insufficient resources, uncertainty about the ability to obtain food, and skip meals or run out of food occasionally. On a similar note, severe food insecurity occurs when a person runs out of food, and spent an entire day without eating at times during the year.
7 And with these critical statistics such as 5.7 million undernourished Filipinos, the Philippines still stands among the 63 countries having the largest population of undernourished people.
A Problem Calling For Action
8 These figures only say that the problem of the availability of food is already a global phenomenon that needs immediate and necessary interventions. As reiterated by Alvaro Lario, the United Nations’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) President, we should consider providing significant help to local and small-scale farmers in rural areas to ensure an adequate supply of food to the communities.
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